neděle 3. března 2019

Birdhouse and Camera

My daughter received Christmas gift "a small birdhouse". Ive got an idea to install camera with motion detection for better capturing and documenting all feeding birds in our new birdhouse. As software developer, I bought computer called Raspberry Pie - famous, cheap, small and open computer. Edition "Raspberry Pie Zero", most cheaper and minimal power consumping computer looks very suitable for my purpose. Native support for camera is included.

The most difficult part of our "project" was to find good software solution for capturing video. I tried some common solutions, but it was terrible slow. My colleage Martin Šimek gave me an advice. "Try Pikrellcam". Its a small project for Raspberry Pi with very fast motion detection based on compression in video algorithm.

 Installation of birdhouse behind the windows as well as"dirty and temporar" installation of camera:

After some days, many kinds of birds were captured. I tried to find their names:

Sýkora koňadra (Parus major):

 Červenka obecná (Erithacus rubecula)

Brhlík lesní (Sitta europaea)

Sýkora modřinka (Cyanistes caeruleus)

  • Raspberry Pi Zero :
  • Pikrellcam project :